Thursday, August 1, 2013

See What You're Made Of...

Want to see what your marriage or relationship is made of? Then, go on vacation. Vacations are great times to spend with your significant other, getting to know each other even better, connecting, and making memories for a lifetime.  With everyone's busy work and social schedules, its hard to spend some quality time together, and vacation allows you that 24/7 access.

Have you ever noticed that the stages of vacation mirror those of a relationship? In the beginning, its all fun and excitement. The sights are new and its fun nit knowing what's going to happen each day. The adventure of vacation is truly what its all about. Until you hit about day 3... It's wonderful you get to bond and connect, but now you'd give anything for just 5 or 10 minutes to yourself. You find yourself trying to steal these minutes wherever you can "I'll get some ice for us." Or "Let me go down to the front desk and ask." From spending extra time in the bathroom alone to hitting the treadmill in the hotel fitness room, you want that alone time.

Then comes days 4 and 5, and the novelty of being together that much is wearing off a little bit.  Those rose colored glasses are starting to fade to seeing reality.  Those quirky things that they did before maybe are now becoming irritating things, and you're finding it harder to keep your comments to yourself.  (and, vice versa of course!) Isn't this just the way it is in relationships??  That whole "love is blind" adage is absolutely true.  Nothing like a good vacation to bring those things to light.

Finally, during those last days of vacation, arguments might come for frequently (along with sarcasm and some snarky comments), but they don't last forever.  In fact, you find that you can argue and annoy each other, yet put those feelings aside in order to have fun or still snap those lovely, smiley vacation pictures for the frames at home.  You have no spent so much time together, you know exactly which buttons to push in order to get certain reactions.  You are dying for the comfort and familiarity of home.  You want your own bed; your own shower; and, if you eat one more meal at a restaurant you feel like they're going to have to roll you out the door.  Again, this mirrors real marriages and relationships, in so many ways. 

I'm sure you can guess how our vacation went.  Overall, it was wonderful and so much fun.  I'm not going to lie though, we had our moments on those final days.  The important thing is that we pulled through, and made memories to last a lifetime. I set out in the beginning of this blog, with the goal of being funny but honest about those important things in my life.  I'm sure there are some people out there that can relate.  :) 

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