Monday, August 19, 2013

Getting it Together

This past week has been one of those weeks.  We've all had them.  I feel like a hamster on a wheel, scurrying to keep up but getting nowhere.  This time of year is always tough.  It's getting into our morning routine of waking up early and heading to the sitter.  No naps.  Getting my classroom ready.  Making sure Em has all she needs for kindergarten, and getting plans set for Megan to go to preschool.  All of that while trying to stay on top of cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc.  It's enough to make anyone go crazy!

I have to confess that I've been a little less than likeable lately. In fact, if I was someone else, I would've deservedly told me to *uck off yesterday. I was soooo crabby with everyone.  But, you know what? Stress happens. It's happening to me, and I'm doing my best to keep it together. So, those of you out there that feel just like me? You're not alone. There are many of us out there that are doing our absolute best to keep it together. We try to stay on top of things, all while attempting to keep a smile plastered to our faces.  Life isn't always pretty and smooth. Stress goes along with those messy times, and this is a very stressful time for me. I'll get it together; I always figure it out.  So, if you're feeling like an emotional wreck; like you can explode at any second; like you've been running around non-stop; like a plate-spinner trying to keep 10 plates going... I'm here to reassure you that you're not alone.  (Those smug-looking moms you see at the school every morning? Yeah, I bet they're feeling the stress, too.) Keep on going, get it together, and the stress will ease soon.

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