Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Perfect Marriages?

Is there even such a thing?  A friend and I were talking about this just last Saturday. Are there any perfect marriages out there? I'm not really sure there's such a thing, in the sense that we mean. There are some marriages that look so perfect. They're always happy and smiling and affectionate. Surely they can't ever argue at home. I have one friend that is so mellow, as is her husband. They are both teachers, their family backgrounds are similar, and they have the shared experience of college together. I can't ever imagine them having the arguments that hubby and I sometimes have.  Another friend of mine has raised 3 awesome kids, teaches, and still likes to laugh and hang out with her husband. They always seem so content, and I never saw either one mad at the other. Are these couples "perfect". But, then I have to wonder what is perfect?

Then, I stumbled upon this picture and it struck me. It made me feel good knowing that it's not black and white- perfect marriages or flawed ones. It's the people involved and their devotion to keep going. I know I'm not perfect, and I can be difficult to handle. But, I know I'm in my marriage for the long haul- no matter how difficult it can get at times. I know hubby is the same, so maybe we have a "perfect marriage" afterall?

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