Saturday, August 17, 2013


There are so many ways that I've changed since becoming a mom close to 6 years ago.  It's unbelievable that I can even recognize myself anymore sometimes.  I've decided to create a little list of some changes that come to mind.  See if any of you can apply any of these to yourself.

1) Going to the store involves tons of pre-planning a prep (no longer just grab your purse and go).  I must consider accidents, hunger, injuries, boredom...  In fact, I'm pretty much a just like those doomsday prepper guys- only in a realistic way!

2) I have learned to smuggle chocolate into the house like a mama smuggling a file into jail for her son.  Even though I am constantly yelling at encouraging my girls to share, I have NO intentions of sharing my MilkyWay.  So, what happens once it's smuggled into the house?  I wait until they go to bed to eat it, sneak bites of it when I go into the kitchen, or sneak it into the bathroom (yes... I have been known to do this once before when it was an emergency to get some chocolate). 

3) Christmas never meant so much to me before.  I LOVE the look on the girls' faces at Christmas time.  The smiles, the wonder, the happiness.  I just love it, and I'm living through their enjoyment. 

4) Confession: I was never really into baby stuff before.  I had a couple friends with kids, but I really never gushed over baby stuff.  I honestly, couldn't have cared less.  But, once I became a mom and I could identify with the whole experience, I love to talk about it!

5) I can spend hours at Target and Meijer.  I know LOTS of moms can agree with me here: I never imagined that Target would become like a weekly mini-vacation!!  Never in my L.B.K. (life before kids) could I imagine I'd spend so much time at the store.  I was an in-and-out shopper, and shopped with a purpose.  Now?  My purpose is to wander around and waste time- KID FREE!!!

6) I remember my mom telling me when I was young, "I hope you have a kid just like you some day."  My response was always, "Yep!  Perfect and wonderful in every way."  Always such a little smartass   Little did I know that mother-curses are set into motion to come true once spoken.  I do have a daughter just like me.  And, while she is perfect and wonderful, I anticipate myself repeating my mom's words to HER one day!

7) Vacations were so much easier during L.B.K.  Why didn't I take more of them??!!  I missed so many opportunities to just pack up and go!!  I'm kicking myself for not traveling more during that time when it was so much easier. 

8) Time with my girl friends means so much more to me now.  I've always had close friends, but their friendship is important to my sanity now.  I can vent to them, support them, have them support me, and go to them in times of need.  They understand the challenges of marriage and kids, and I love them for that!

These are only a handful of ways I noticed some changes.  How about you out there?  Anyone out there reading this??  I encourage you (hint hint) to add a comment on how you've changed.

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