Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My Mom-i-corn

Yes, I believe my mother-in-law is that mythological creature- the mom-icorn.  Only heard of in myth and legend, never in real life.  She is really wonderful.  She's respectful of me, and always defers to what I say regarding my kids.  When hubby and I argue, I can't remember a time she ever took his side, and not mine.  I honestly, genuinely enjoy being around her!

From talking to so many friends, I realize I am the minority. I feel bad for those friends that don't get along with their MIL, or are disrespected by her. That's really a shame that my friends aren't welcomed with open arms by their hubby's mother, as they should be. As, I was.

This week, she kept the girls and I company on our trip to the children's museum, and impromptu visit to the Naperville Riverwalk for a nice afternoon walk. And, tonight? She invited me over so I could teach her how to make peach pies! I have had a great time just chatting with her this week. I couldn't be happier and feel luckier that she's my mother-in-law!

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