Friday, August 9, 2013

What's With All the Workouts?

This summer I set out to take full advantage of my break and time off work. I decided to go to the gym every day. Most recently, I began going 1-2x per day, and going to Zumba every chance that I can. I have a tendancy to post on Facebook when in checking into the gym, headed out to take a class, sweating after Zumba, etc. Why do I do that? I don't mean to annoy people with my posts; I'm just proud of my accomplishments and want to toot my own horn a little bit.  A week ago, dear hubby asked, "So, what's with all the working out?"

I use working out as a stress-reliever. Let's face it, I love my girls but spending 24/7 entertaining them kinda makes me nuts by bedtime.  There are some days that if one more person calls me 'mom', then I'm running away! Or, after a summer home with the kids, I need to have discussions about things other than what ailment is going into Doc McStuffins' big book of boo-boos; or if mac'n cheese is better than chicken nuggets.  I need to connect with others. Make some off-color jokes.  Be sarcastic. I need to find a place where I can be myself!!

My solution? My workouts!! I can sweat, tell, run, and totally exhaust myself. It feels so good!! My workouts give me that valuable me-time that saves my sanity and keeps me happy. And, let's face it, but when mommy's happy, everyone's happy! I'm not saying you all need you all need to head out to the gym, but DO go find somethjng to do that will help you "reduce your stress and re-find yourself."

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