Saturday, August 24, 2013

Have a Positively Great Day!

I try to run my life in a positive way. That whole "brighter side of things", and "silver lining" stuff? Yep, I believe all of that. (People that know me are reading this and might be snickering right now, but its true!) Yes, I get struck my moments of anger, or frustration. I may need to vent at times. Everyone does. But, I generally try to remain positive about situations.  Getting laid off twice (actually 4 times) and needing to find a teaching job within three months? Finding myself unemployed with two kids and making it work with unemployment? Those are things that might bring people down, but I remained positive through it.  I didn't let my situations get the best of me.  It wasn't worth it to me, because I knew that once you get in that negative mindset it's really hard to break free from it.

Ever been around a truly negative person? They feel like a black cloud has entered the room and they suck all the positivity out of the room. These people will ALWAYS see the negative side of things- why a solution WON'T work; why life is so HARD; why do bad things always happen to THEM.  Well, I personally believe that what you put out, you get back. If you are always saying "I always have such bad luck", "I'll never find someone", "work sucks and I hate going", then don't be surprised if those things are EXACTLY what you're going to get.  Of course, sometimes bad things happen to good people for what seems like no reason.  This is where the "silver linings" comes in. Find that one light in a dark situation.  It will help keep your positivity.  I'm not saying you need to be a Pollyanna, but you don't need to be a Negative Ned/Natalie either.  Just try to see the brighter side and watch how things will really seem to look a little brighter in your life.

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