Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Bucket List...

... Do you have one?  Ever since the movie came out, it seems that "bucket list" seems to be quite the buzz term. (For those of you unfamiliar with the term, it's a list of things you want to do before you kick the bucket.) So, do you have one? I never really sat down and thought about it too much, or wrote an actual list. But, I do have a few things on my list.

In my bucket list, I have:
Vacation in all 50 states. For a state to qualify as "vacation", I need to spend at least 1 night there and do something "touristy".
Go on vacation with my mom. She doesn't really go anywhere on vacation, and I'd like to go on a vacation with her as an adult. The last time we traveled the two of us was when I was 12!
Visit Ireland and where my family is from. I have pride in my Irish roots, and I want so badly to visit.
Complete a mud run. This is actually going to happen in September!
Write a book. Just something I've always wanted to do. Something humorous.

These are just some things I've thought of. I bet that if I sat down, I could come up with a list. Maybe that's something I'll do when I have some quiet time for myself (yeah, right!).  I'm curious, do you have a bucket list? What's on it?

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