Monday, July 29, 2013

We are on our first just-us-4 family vacation. We don't have the grandparents to give us some time alone, and we are in a basic (small) hotel room. There is no escaping if someone is irritating you.  At one point, the girls were arguing, hubby was yelling at them to stop, and I was trying to read my book. It's was like a chaos bomb went off! I could feel that familiar buzzing in my ears and the tingling of my blood beginning to start a slow simmer. I took a step back out of my own head and thought, "one day, we won't have this anymore. We only have a handful of vacations left when they are this small.". It may get irritating that they always want to be around me, and never give me some down time of my own. But, I know that one day, they will stop. They won't want me around, and it will break my heart when they'd rather not spend time with me.  So, I'm just going to think of that next time my blood starts to boil from agitation. I love my girls (irritations and all) and I will treasure these vacation memories for my whole life.

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