Saturday, July 27, 2013

Scale-a-holics Anonymous

Hello, my name is Joanna and I am a scale-a-holic.  I weigh myself daily, even when I know it is terrible for me.  When I am having a bad day, I turn to the scale.  The scale has been known to totally control my mood and outlook for the day.  If the number goes up, and my mood goes down (the toilet).  If the number goes down, then my mood skyrockets! Anyone else out there feel that they could be saying the same thing?  WHY do so many of us do it?  Why do we depend so much on a stupid number?  Why do we willingly give our power away to something that we know is an inaccurate representation of ourselves?  Why are we such scale-a-holics??

I have done LOTS of research in the area of weight.  I know how to put it on, take it off, when is a good/bad time to weigh yourself, etc.  I know that when I weight train, the scale numbers will likely go up, but my body fat is going down.  I know that during that certain time of the month, I retain water, and will show a gain on the scale.  I know that if I eat a salty meal, I better not be surprised with a gain showing the next morning.  The thing is, I KNOW all of this stuff, yet I STILL do it anyway.  Each time I have a gain, I spin down that dark weight-gain hole- time and time again.

I have decided that I’m going to jump off of this annoying, scale-controlled merry-go-round.  Starting today, I am going to acknowledge that the scale is a poor judgment of weight-loss.  I am publicly pledging to you all: I WILL NOT STEP FOOT ON A SCALE FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS.  I will use my mood, my comfort, my clothing, the mirror, and comments from others to gauge my weight.  Clothes get baggier?  Good!  Clothes getting tighter?  Think consciously about what I’m eating.  I refuse to give power to a number on a scale.  I am so much more than that single number.

 I am taking back my power!!

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