Friday, July 19, 2013

The Journey Begins...

So. Here I go...
 I have now ventured into the world of blogging, and what a strange world it will be until I get the hang of how everything works.  Most importantly?  I have a super-cute background for my blog.  One of the hardest parts of this blogging process so far?  Thinking of a darn name!!  I was stumped for at least a good 15 minutes just staring at the screen thinking about what I wanted to name my blog.  I mean, it's not like I'm naming another child, but it almost felt that way.  You think, 'what if I pick a stupid name?' 'What if the name I pick isn't fitting?' "What if I pick a name then don't like it later?'  So, I guess it is similar to picking a name for your kid.

Brum-Brum's Journey is the name I settled on.  Why?? Well, I work with a fantastic woman that just has the toughest time saying my name.  So, she doesn't. She calls me "Brum-Brum", because apparently that is easy for her to say.  Well, I work in a school, and various students heard her calling me this, and as of last year, the name just stuck.  I think of "Brum-Brum" as a nickname of endearment, and God knows I need some endearment lately.  

The Journey??  Well, that part is a little more holistic.  Put simply- It is my journey of becoming happier and healthier on the inside and outside.  I am coming to a point in my life where I am a mother, a wife, a teacher, a friend, a daughter, a sister, and few other labels... However, I'm not quite sure who I am inside... So, this is my journey to discovering that.  One of my major journeys of discovery will take place as I work to lose (again!) weight and help myself become healthier and happier.

What do I hope to get out of this whole blogging thing?  Well, I hope to have a few followers eventually, but I would like to use this outlet to share my expereinces with others.  I know that I have found some fantastic blogs out there that are WONDERFUL, and I felt that way about them because I could identify with them.  I felt that the author was going through what I was, or could understand the same things I felt.  It's my hope that someone out there might find my blog to be that way for her.  So, I thank you in advance for following me and joining me on my journey.  :)

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