Sunday, September 1, 2013

New Month, Renewed Attitude

I love when a new month starts! It just have such a natural feeling of a fresh start. Last month, I committed to not weighing myself, regular blogging, and doing the August ab challenge. Well... The ab thing didn't last too long. However, I did become a regular at Zumba. I continue to blog fairly regularly. No, it's not every day like it was, but I try to not let it go too long without posting. The one thing I did great with was not weighing myself. I'm not saying I didn't gain anything (because I'm pretty sure I did), but I use my clothes to judge that. I intend to keep with not weighing myself for September.

Due to the clothes that seem to have shrunk in the wash (that's what I'm telling myself, anyway), I've decided to throw myself into a fitness/food program. Myfitnesspal helped in the beginning, but the novelty wore off. So, I found the app Noom. So far, it seems great, and i'll keep everyone updayed. I'll commit to it for the month of September and see how it goes. Wish me luck!

I'm putting my September goals out there to hold myself accountable:
1) no weighing myself
2) commit daily to the Noom program
3) have a positive and happy classroom demeanor each day. Less raising my voice/yelling, and smile until my cheeks hurt.
4) let no more than 1 day go by without going to the gym. This one will be the most challenging once school starts, but I'm up for the challenge.

How about you? Put your goals out there to hold yourself accountable, and get some support from friends. Many of you encourage and support me, and I'd love to return the favor!

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