Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pretty Muddy 5K 2013

Remember how I talked about my bucket list?  Well, one of the items on it was to run in a mud run.  Since I know I'm not really the most fit person alive, I figured that I really would never be able to do one.  Until my fitness buddy emailed me last spring saying that I needed to sign up for this all-women mud run 5K with her.  I figured, "Sure, what the hell?" and I signed up.  Well, this last Saturday was the big day!!  I was really nervous in the morning.  I really didn't know what to expect and I was really anxious thinking about what would I do if I wasn't able to do one of the obstacles?  I was doing this Pretty Muddy with 14 other teachers from work, and my pride would never have let me skip an obstacle while everyone else did it.  So, I would just have to keep up.  And... I did!!  I started jogging the first little bit, but then I remembered that I'm not really a runner, and I quickly let that go.  I may not run, but I can power-walk like it's nobody's business!  So, I walked my ass all through that 5K course, climbed up and over walls and a cargo net, crawled under things in a deep pit of mud, tore my knees up scooting through tunnels, and slid down an inflatable slide.  I got incredibly dirty and had a blast doing it!!  My goal was to finish it, and I DID!!!
As much as I hated being covered in all that mud (and I really did hate it), I couldn't be happier with myself.  Granted this run wasn't nearly as intense as others I've seen people do, but that's ok with me.  I am so proud of myself for accomplishing this task.  I think there are few things that feel as good as crossing off an item from your bucket list.  I'm so happy, I've been smiling since Saturday!

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