Saturday, September 28, 2013

Three Weeks In..

I'm really disappointed that I haven't written as regularly as I'd hoped for this month. Perhaps I didn't realize exactly how hard is be working this year. Now, teaching always has its challenges, but this year seems to be driving me nuts. I'm stressed about curriculum, behavior, duties, planning, prepping, and balancing my life between home and school. It's been interesting to say the least.

So, this week I've been working hard on behavior in my classroom. I have a group of kids that always do what they're asked, a group that seem to never do what I ask, and the rest that pick and choose when they want to listen. So, I've been focusing on getting that middle group to fall in line. I find myself thinking back to something one of the best teachers I know said, "They have awful behavior until October. Expect that. Then something happens and all your hard works comes together at the end of October." Karen said that to me once, and that has kept me going all week. I'm just going to keep pressing on, stay focused, and pray everything will come together.

I stumbled across this picture on Pinterest the other day, and thought I'd post it here. This pretty much sums up how my week went. I had this face at least 5 times every day! LOL I hope you all enjoy your weekend. I sure will!!

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