Tuesday, December 2, 2014

"Yesterday's 'I love you' is not enough for today."

On my way to work, I'll either listen to Kiss FM, or occasionally I'll listen to a Joel Osteen podcast.  Today was a Joel day, and I'm so glad that it was!  My post and thoughts today are based off of one of his messages.

Joel's message hit home today.  He began by saying how people are never put into your life randomly.  Your husband was sent to you by God.  Your parents are not yours by chance- God placed you with them because that's where you needed to be.  Your children did not come to be because you and your husband got together- God knew your children before they were yours.  Your name was written on them before they were even a thought in your mind.  God gives you these people to care for, to love, to honor, to cherish.... Wow....  This made me really think hard about the people in my life.  Am I honoring them?  Am I caring for them the way God charged me to do??  This is a really powerful thought and one that I'm still thinking about halfway through my day.

I don't know very many people that would think, "Yes, I love my children/spouse/parents the best I can every single day." We are human, and humans have flaws.  Lord knows, I sure do!  The key isn't to be perfect, but to strive to be better.  There is always room for improvement, and thoughtful change.  So, the question isn't "Do you love those around you the way God intended?" but "How can you love those around you to the best of your ability?"

First things first- pour love onto those around you.  Tell them every day that you love them and feel blessed they are in your life.  Yes- every single day.  It's great you told your mom you love her, but that was last Mother's Day!  You need to do it more! Wake up telling your children you love them and let that be the last thing they hear.  Whisper an "I love you" to your spouse in the morning (even if it's to them when they're still sleeping) and end the day with an "I love you even more". And, then repeat the next day.  Yesterday's I love you is not enough for today...

Next... guys, tell your lady that she's beautiful.  We all need to hear it.  I promise you, we will NEVER get tired of hearing you tell us that we look nice.  Even if you've seen us look better, tell us every day how nice we look.  Here's a secret, guys- many of us ladies are insecure and we need to hear that we're desirable.

Ladies... tell your man how proud you are of him.  Yes, you told him how incredibly proud you are of him when he graduated college (6 years ago), but you need to update that.  Tell him how proud you are that he's a great father/provider/husband.  Let him know that you are proud to have him as your Mr.

So, now you know what I'll be working on in my life.  I'm going to focus on being sure I'm taking care of those around me that God has entrusted- my family, my students, my co-workers, my friends, etc.  Lastly, let me end by saying how much I love all of you!  You have no idea how much it means to me when I know that people actually read what I write and when it sometimes makes them think about and reflect on their lives.

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