Saturday, December 20, 2014

Just when you thought they'd be good...

In all my years of working with kids and having my own for the past 7 years, I have come to find it to be true that just when you thought kids would be on their best behavior- they are typically at their WORST!  I find there are 2 times in particular when kids are quite awful disagreeable.

1) During the entire week of their birthday, and

2) During the Christmas season (sometimes just the week of, but it could be the WHOLE season...)

I'm sure the reason behind their less-than-lovely behavior is due to the excitement of both of those times, but man.... It would be nice to have just a little bit of time where they behave themselves extra!  I've tried the whole "Santa's watching!"  or "Sully will be flying back to tell Santa about your day!"  But, those comments don't particularly help for long... After a while they go right back to having their outbursts, fits, or fighting with each other.  Don't get me wrong, they don't necessarily turn into little monsters at this time.  It is just that they can have more monster-tendencies than usual.  They seem to get jumpier, squeal more, act a bit more wild than usual, and "no" works their way into their vocabulary a LOT bit more.

At these times, I sometimes question my parenting.  When they pitch a fit for things not going their way, Hubby is quick to comment it is because they are spoiled.  As I watch one of them pitch a fit because I asked her to _______________ (insert chore or task here),  I can't help but think, "Geez, are they acting like this because they are spoiled??  Is Hubby right??"

I know I have worked hard to not give the girls everything they ask for, and not over-indulge.  Yes, I like to do things for them, but I try to balance it out with also having them do nice things for others. In fact, there have been multiple times I've caught them being kind and generous to others.  I remember the times where Emily gave a little girl some of her tokens at Chuck-e-cheese because she didn't have enough.  Or, I think of how Megan wanted to go bring chocolates to friends when they were sad ("Chocolate always cheers up people, Mommy".)  I think that perhaps it really is just this time of year when everything seems to be overexciting... The lights, the prettily wrapped packages, seeing all sorts of family & friends, endless shopping/baking/cooking/parties, and then there's the anticipation of Christmas Eve & Day.  Sigh.... Who knows...

Now that I've gotten my thoughts out of the way, I'm off to go watch a movie with my little holiday brats...

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