Sunday, December 21, 2014

I found my spirit!

I always find it can be a challenge to find the true spirit of Christmas with the days and nights being so busy.  For me, Christmas has always been about family, love, tradition... I find that when I try so hard to create my memories that I lose the spontaneous ones.  So, today, I decided to do something about it.

It started with going to church.  Now, I consider myself spiritual and faithful, yet not really a church-goer.  But, I felt the need to go this morning.  Both the girls and I went, and I'm so glad I went.  At one point, while sitting there at the end of mass, Emily leaned over and held my hand.  It was so sweet and spontaneous, I just felt a swelling of love come over me.  I had a sense of peace and that everything was right and as it should be.

Then, the majority of the day was just spent watching TV, napping, playing pretend baking with the girls.  Then, I had the idea to surprise the girls with a trip to Lilacia Park in Lombard for the lights.  I have always wanted to go there, but Hubby kept saying it was "lame".  I told him he was more than welcome to join us, but I was going to take the kids tonight.  I'm SO glad that we went.

As we were pulling up to the park, "Oh Holy Night" came on the radio.  I feel this is one of the most beautiful Christmas songs, and it happens to be one that I always associate with my Grandma.  It was her favorite song and it is impossible for me to hear it without thinking of her.  While the song was playing, tears came to my eyes, and I just knew she was there with us.  (She passed away a while ago and I miss her terribly.) Again, such a sense of peace and rightness.  The park was wonderful!  The colors, the happy feeling walking in the cold, and being there with my family.  It was great! The lights at Christmastime has always been my favorite, and they put me instantly into the spirit.  Like the last piece of the puzzle I was putting together today.

Funny how things will kind of fall into place when you need them to.  So, from my family to yours- Merry Christmas and Christmas blessings to you and your family.

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