Saturday, July 26, 2014

Lucky #13!

Well, today marks day #13 of my 100 days challenge! I can't be happier that I'm still feeling as committed as I did on day #1. Here's what's happened over the past 13 days:

While I have exercised every day, some days I had to make myself move. I happen to be very good at talking myself out of exercising, but none of that was allowed this week. One day I waited until the last minute (9:30pm, before bed) to get my ass out and walk the dog for 30 minutes. But, it was worth it and I'm glad I stuck with it. I also dare say that exercise is becoming a habit. Shocker!!

Journaling is the 2nd part of my challenge. Some days I write my thoughts, write an entry of gratitude, or just something good from that day. Its been great, and a nice close to my day.

Lastly, I signed up for a DietBet! Basically, you pay $ to buy into a challenge with other people. Then, the pot gets split between those that meet their goal. It's competitive and motivating for me. I find myself chatting with, encouraging and supporting the other challengers... but that's kinda against the point, right? I need the other challengers to not meet their goal in order to make $$ for myself. Whatever... as long as I meet my goal (lose 4% of my weight in 28 days) and don't lose $$, I don't care.

Until next time, take care of yourselves. Spend some time focusing on you and what makes you happy.

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