Monday, July 14, 2014

100 Day Challenge

A few months ago, a teacher friend of mine posted a stunning picture of herself on Facebook.  She looked radiant, and she said she'd just finished her 100 day challenge. I was intrigued at that time, but not ready to challenge myself at that time. It was too busy at the end of the school year. We were going on vacation in June. And, I'm sure there were other excuses that came to mind. The excuses won out for me, but not for a new teacher friend. She began her own inspiring challenge.

You know how I mention all the time that you are meant to meet certain people for a reason? Back in April, I had a committee meeting where I got to work with other teachers. This one girl and I instantly clicked, and it was the most enjoyable time I've ever had on a committee. Little did I know that my new friend would be the one to inspire me.

Today, my friend finished her 100 day challenge. She has lost 23 lbs, several inches, and gained many healthy habits. She has inspired me to start on my own challenge. I'm convinced this is why we clicked so easily- she was meant to be the one to inspire me to get going.

So... I'm putting this out for everyone to see and know. I am starting my 100 day challenge today. Basically, I am challenging myself to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, and write down one thing positive from each day. That's it. I know I can at least walk around a couple blocks with my dog if I don't want to hit the gym, and I can write down 1 sentence before bed.

This morning I made myself a 100 Day Challenge poster and put it right on my closet door. (I know, I'm such a teacher!) For some reason, I'm having a hard time posting the picture of it to my blog...

Wish me luck, and I'll keep you updated on my progress. If you are starting your own challenge, let me know. We can encourage and cheer each other on.

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