Monday, June 9, 2014

On the Way Out

It's been waaaaay too long since I've written. Work has been insane, the girls finished dance and had their recitals, we've been struck by several flus the past 2 months, and things are kind of settling down.

This "end of the year" time always makes me ultra-reflective. I think about how I was as a teacher this year. Did I build up my students enough? Did I pass on as many life and academic lessons as possible? Did I teach them everything they'll need for next year? Was I as patient with them as I wanted to be (mostly)? Did I do ALL that could?? Unfortunately, these types of questions will never be definitively answered due to their very nature. I just have to believe the answer is "yes" all of it. I know that I pushed myself to help them all that I could. I know that they are leaving me better than when they came in. I truly believe I've taught them many lessons to use in life when it comes to getting along with others, having compassion for others, and striving to be a good person inside and out.

There's so much I think about during this last week other than just my students. I think of my friends at school. These are the people I see 5 out of 7 days a week. We talk, laugh, share together. We all have good intentions to get together over break, but that rarely happens as often as we'd like. I'll miss my daily chat routines, and snacking on much-needed chocolate together. I will miss my friends over the summer...

Lastly, many people don't get the huge adjustment it is to go from working all year, to not. I go from having a scheduled, somewhat-predictable day where I have control over a flexible, relaxed day where my kids affect a lot of my planning. This is really difficult. Don't get me wrong, I love my girls more than anything and I love spending time with them. But, I'm not used to the stay-at-home-mom thing. God bless those who do it daily because the girls have the ability to drive me insane like nothing else!

So, I've got lots of thoughts swirling around in my head lately. I'm sure many of you might, too. I'm hoping to be posting much more regularly soon, now that school will be over on Friday. So, for now, good night!!

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