Sunday, April 6, 2014


William Shakespeare said it best: Expectation is the root of all heartache. Boy is this phrase on my mind this weekend. I have done a lot of thinking about past and present relationships (friends, family, romantic). No one's perfect and we all make mistakes. I've cone to realize that one of the BIGGEST mistakes I make is my expectations for people.

There are two points of view on this topic. 1) Expect nothing but the best and except nothing less. Or, 2) Have no expectations and take life/love for as it is and be happy with what you have. Hmmm.... I'm assuming there is a lot less heartache and disappointment with view #2. If you don't expect anything then you aren't disappointed when someone falls short of what you want. But, shouldn't there at least be some expectations? Shouldn't you expect the basics of honesty, respect, and kindness?? I'm thinking the answer lies somewhere between views 1&2.

From the beginning, I've had issues with attention. My biological dad signed away his rights when I was 2, had no contact with me until I was 14, then ditched out of my life again when I turned 21. My step-dad adopted me, yet clearly thought much more of my brothers and cared more for his own children than me. On his list of priorities I was at the bottom. Over and over I felt I was never at the top of any of my boyfriends' lists, and never a priority. (Don't get me wrong. I'm definitely not a clingy/needy girl. Never have been, but I do have that deep need to know that I am a priority in a man's life.) I found myself always having the same battle- they weren't making me feel that I was important to them.

Then, I recently realized that I might be expecting too much. Maybe they just aren't meeting MY expectations for showing love. Maybe my expectations are too high? I don't really think I'm asking for too much, but maybe I am. Maybe I'm asking for something that just might not be in that persons character.

I'm a total work-in-progress right now as I examine and evaluate things... my thoughts go back and forth and all around. I feel like there's a bigger picture or lesson here, and I'm missing something... Sorry for the scattered post today- I just needed to share my thinking with others and maybe there's a person or two that does/has felt the same way as me.

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