Sunday, March 30, 2014

100 Day Challenge

I've noticed lots of 100 days challenges lately. I've seen "100 days of squats", "100 days of happy, and most recently a friend on Facebook told of a 100 days of exercise challenge she made for herself. It made me start to think... could I do my own 100 Days challenge?

There are 2 challenges that have piqued my interest- there are the 100 Days of Exercise and the 100 days of Happy challenges. For 100 days of exercise challenge, the goal is to move intentionally for at least 30 minutes every day. For the 100 days of happy challenge, you are supposed to take one picture of something that makes you happy each day, then post it on the social media outlet if your choice. So, which challenge gave I chosen??

I am letting everyone know I have officially committed to completing 100 Days of Exercise! Currently, I'm on day 5. Wish me luck! Anyone out there care to join me on my 100 days challenge??

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