Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Earn Your Parent Stripes

Yep, stomach germs invaded our house. Sunday night, Emily threw up. Then, at 1am last night, it was Megan's turn. Thankfully, it was only a short 10-12 hour bug. And, guess who was on the front lines for all of the action. You got it! This girl!  I had a little time to think today about parenting and sick kids.

Pregnancy can be tough for some, and the whole birth process? Not fun for anyone. Handling the tantrums, school worries, teaching right from wrong- these can all be challenging. But, nothing separates the tough from the week like caring for your sick child. Nothing else will make you cry right along with your child quite like the misery and pain that being sick can bring. But, the key is to remain calm, composed, in-charge, and caring (all while trying not to throw up yourself).  I don't think I have to spell out who the girls want when they're sick; I still have the habit of calling my own mom when I'm sick! LOL

I titled this "earn your parenting stripes", because that's exactly what us parents that have been through the flu wringer have gained. We no longer cringe at the sight of blood. We don't run in the opposite direction when our kid pukes. What do those of us with our stripes do? We jump right in there with the paper towels, disinfectant, hair ties to hold their hair, and we stay put and rub their backs. We don't step away from their hugs- we give them because we know that's what they need. Any parent that's been through a flu season could be considered lucky- but, I'm not so sure. It's those late night sick emergencies that help us become better, more skilled parents. While I'd never wish my kids sick, I do feel a sense of pride in knowing I survived and came out feeling more competent than ever.

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