Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Checking In and Catching Up

I have to admit that I'm a bit embarrassed that I haven't posted in 2 weeks. This picture shows my reason for not posting, but it's still no excuse. My apologies everyone!! But, let's catch up a little bit on some areas of my crazy, but full life.

Teaching: We are coming to the end of October, and true to my predictions, things are starting to settle into place as far as behavior goes. I still have those kids where I don't necessarily cry when they're absent, but things have mostly calmed down in room 105B. As a teacher, I feel soooo far behind in everything I need to do. I have piles of crap everywhere, and it's making me nuts. I just need to spend a day uninterrupted in the classroom to get my act together. Since I don't see that happening soon, I'll just make do with what I can, and teach on.

Fitness: Ugh... I'm really beating myself up over this area. I'm using work stress as an excuse to not be working out, but I really shouldn't be doing that. I have fallen so far off the exercise wagon, that it's driven off for miles and left me in the dust. I've got to get up and hop on the next incoming wagon ASAP. November and holidays are coming, and that's primetime weight-gaining season! I'm going to promise to try my best to get my act together starting this Friday. Those that have my number, please text or Facebook me to remind and harass me to exercise on Friday. Please!! I need a kick in the ass to recommit.

Kids: What can I say? The weather has been warm, cold, warm, cold, and rainy... All within the last couple weeks. Of course, Megan has a cough and cold now. I caught the flu that both girls had. It was AWFUL, but thankfully a short one. I want to set off a Lysol bomb in my house and leave for the weekend. Hmm... Do they have Lysol bombs??

Marriage: Long story short- hubby is currently going through an early mid-life crisis and decided he wants an '80-something Cutlass. Why? Because, he used to have one in high school. (Yes, I'm rolling eyes as I type this.) For MONTHS now, he has been looking on Craigslist for a car. I told him now is not the time, please just wait to get it. Let's just say I made it VERY clear what my response would be if he got a car. Well, guess what.... Yep! Saturday night he brought a nicotine Brown piece of crap '86 Cutlass home. Those that know me personally could guess my reaction. Saying I was pissed or mad as hell would be a complete understatement. Hubby's response to mine, "you never want me to have anything I want." Ugh.... Major eye rolling, swearing, tears, sarcasm, and much more ensued. This has been a battle for the books my friends!

That's my crazy busy life. How about yours? How's it going?

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