Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 2: List

It's day # 2 of the October photo challenge, and today's picture is supposed to be a list.  I assumed that to mean any kind of list, so I created a list of my Top 5 Blessings.

I wanted to take a minute and discuss these things on my list.  Obviously, my family is my greatest blessing.  They are my life and my whole world.  I am everything that I am today because of them.  My daughters make me drink smile on a daily basis.  My hubby keeps me passionate about life.  My mom and brothers keep me grounded by my roots, and my dog gives me the unconditional love that I need.

My friends are my sanity.  They make me laugh and are always there when I need to vent or cry.  Some have jokingly dubbed us "The Real Housewives of DuPage County", and that just makes me laugh!  It's funny because it's silly, but also very TRUE in many respects.  And, I love my "housewives" dearly!

I am fortunate in that I work in a job that is completely all I want to do in life.  I have that unique opportunity to directly impact children's lives.  As scary as that could be, I am exhilarated by it!  Also, I have been very lucky to have made some amazing lifelong friends throughout moving schools and positions.  I have a huge support network in the education world, and have made connections with people in so many ways.  I am so blessed to have met these people, because each relationship brings some sort of gain or insight.  I gained increased patience from one teammate, spot-on classroom and time management from another, and the ability to get others to open up from one amazing "childlike" coworker.

The last two are closely related, and I feel have carried me a long way in my life and career. I have had a variety of situations in life where some people would have a very dark perspective on life.  I could easily focus on how unfair things can be, how good things happen to everyone else, how I really screwed up on some of the choices I made... but I DON'T.  I realize the importance that there are no coincidences in life.  Many of the WORST choices I made directly impacted and brought to light some of the BEST things into my life.

All in all, I feel very blessed in my life.  Everywhere I look, I smile.  No matter how irritated I might be, or down and sad I might feel, I know that there's always a silver lining right around the corner.  I can't wait to enjoy that silver lining with my family, friends, and coworkers!

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