Saturday, January 18, 2014

God's Hand...

I have always believed in that catch phrase "God has a reason for all things".  Sometimes, believing in this has been the only way I've gotten through some very tough times.  Whenever tragedy strikes, it's hard to get past the heartache and devastation.  When people are suddenly and inexplicably taken from us, it can be so hard to understand.  In fact, it can seem impossible to continue on.

A woman that I work with is currently facing such a tragedy.  She has suddenly lost her daughter after only getting to know her recently.  It just seems so unfair that God would take this young mother and leave so many to grieve.  I had not met this young lady, but I know that her mother spoke so highly of her.  Her face lit up when talking about the fun they had just had, or the special look in her eyes when talking about her dreams for her daughter...

In 2006, a wonderful woman that I knew through work at a gym had her daughter brutally taken from her as well.  I remember just being shocked once I received the news that Christmas, and the sadness that I just couldn't shake for weeks.  But, I knew that my sadness could in NO WAY compare to what her mother must have been feeling.

Being a mother myself, I can't imagine the pain of burying your child.  I can't imagine ever recovering from such heartache.  I honestly can think of nothing worse that losing one of girls...  But, these women had it happen to them.  And, they are surviving.  God bless them, but they are continuing on.  They are amazing women.  

I'm not quite sure where this post is going, but I just want to put it out there that I truly believe that God does have a plan for all of us.  One day it will be made known to us- or maybe not.  But, I have to trust and believe there is a reason for all of this.  When times get tough, or when everything seems chaotic, please remember to stop- breathe- and believe that you are in important part in God's plan and it will all come together soon.  God Bless...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks honey. Much love. I will cherish this in my heart.
