Monday, January 20, 2014

Motivation- Do you have any to spare??

Hi there! Today's thoughts have been mostly consumed with ways to re-motivate myself. I was doing really well over the summer. Went to the gym 6/7 days, ate lots of fruits and veggies, and really was trying to stay focus on getting healthy. Then, the school year started and all of it went to shit. I barely went to the gym 1 day/2 weeks. Went more for rushed, convenient lunches rather than healthy ones. Joined the in-laws out to dinner more often and skipped meals. It was really tough to stay focused on my health-so I just wasn't. I gave in and inevitably gained back all I'd lost, except for 3 lbs! I'm so pissed, but I can't be mad at anyone but myself. It totally sucks and I need to do something about it.

Here's the thing- I'm no stranger to this weightloss game. I've always struggled with my weight. I've tried all kinds of "diets" and "lifestyle changes". I know the programs and what needs to be done. In the past, I've been able to recommit myself and get excited about starting out again. Really focused and determined. But, this time? Not so much... I feel like I'm struggling to motivate myself. I feel very blah about this. I've never had this happen to me before, and quite frankly I'm worried I might be giving up. I can't possibly give up, but I need to find my "get up and go"!

What does someone do when seeking motivation? Well, this girl prowls Pinterest and adds to my "stay motivated board. I'm happy to say I was able to find some of what I desperately need. I'm going to continue looking for some more motivation/inspiration on Pinterest while the hubby watches Gold Rush. I intend to also create (and post tomorrow) my Healthy Vows. Check back soon! Good night, all!!

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