Sunday, June 26, 2016

Rest In Peace Anthony

When I first started working in schools, I started as a multi-needs assistant.  I learned SO much about myself, teaching, and life in general while being an aide.  I worked with some really amazing teachers, kids, and families.  I can't help but smile when I think about the laughs I had with the kids.  I remember singing endless Disney songs with one student, spinning and jumping to get the energy out with another, trying my hardest to help a student get over their mental block over the number 3 (he would ALWAYS forget it when counting!), hanging out in the bathroom having deep conversations while waiting for the kiddo to "go", and so much more.  These kids touched my life and my heart.

It was my last year as an assistant.  I was a kindergarten teacher in the morning, and an assistant in the afternoon. One year, I was helping as an assistant with a sweet boy named Anthony.  He was a cute kid.  He had dark brown hair, happy eyes, and the biggest smile you'd ever see!  He was born with Spina Bifida, and had a wheelchair.  He also had braces on his legs, and would switch between being in and out of his chair.  I remember him making me laugh because he'd always want to be mischievous (in a good-natured way).  If I said it was time for his chair, he'd quickly crawl away, giggling the whole time.  When I said it was time to work his legs, he'd grumble.  But, I had a secret weapon- John Cena!  Anthony loved wrestling and he loved John Cena.  I would use this to my advantage when I could.  :)  Anthony loved to talk about wrestling, being tough, and things that he liked to do for fun.  He was a happy kid, with an amazing outlook on things.

Anthony left to have a few surgeries, and I didn't see him for a while.... until one day I was at a family party with my in-laws, and who comes in???  Anthony!!  I was surprised, to say the least!  I asked why he was there, and I then found out he is the nephew of my brother & sister-in-law.  What a small world!  I didn't get to see him too often, a couple times a year at family parties, etc.  But, I have to say that I have really enjoyed seeing him get older, and no matter how old he got, he always had his same, bright smile!

The reason I'm reflecting on this today, is that today is Anthony's wake.  I can't imagine the heartache and loss that Anthony's parents must be feeling today, and my heart and prayers go out to them. I want them to know that this world was left a better place because of Anthony.  If there was anyone that could have been upset with "his lot in life", I could've been him.  Yet, he chose to show the world he could be positive, and I find that incredible.  One thing is for sure- John Cena is sure to win all his matches because he's got an extra angel watching over him now!  God Bless and keep you, Anthony!

**On a personal note, if you are willing and able, please consider donating to Anthony's family to cover the cost of his final expenses.  You can find the link to donate any amount here:

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