Saturday, January 18, 2014

Your Time Is Comming

All of us have goals, hopes, dreams, desires. We have spent countless hours of our lives trying to make these dreams happen. Sometimes it seems like you work harder and harder and all you are met with are setbacks. Maybe someone disappointed you or you didn't get that promotion you'd been planning on. Wgst you need to know is that it's OK. Your time IS coming! Think about it, why would God place those dreams in your heart and not plan on giving you the means to make things happen?? He wouldn't.

I believe that God has a plan for every one of us. He has meticulously thought out and planned a bountiful and blessed life. I also believe that he has put people and events along our life's path. These people and events are meant to be life-changing. They are meant to either teach us or promote us.  In order to move us along our well thought-out path, God has placed these hopes and dreams in our hearts. You may ask, "how can you just blindly believe all of this?? Don't you think reaching your dreams is up to you alone?" I believe in the phrase Believing is seeing, not seeing is believing. I think we can definitely move things along on our path; however, I also believe that too much interfering might set us off course and delay our dreams. Obviously there will be trials and disappointments. There will be times to be upset, grieve, have pity. But, these are only moments in your life- not your entire life. Trust that you did not gave a setback, but a setup for great things to come.

So, what dreams has God placed in your heart? Looking back, can you see God's hand in those dreams that DID come to fruition? I can. Example: I always wanted to be married. Always wanted to find "the one", but I became really great at finding NOT the right one. I was trying hard to push things along and move at my pace. Things happened, life got a little messy, and I gave up looking. Then, BAM!! Brian came along and I was swept off my feet. I had to stop being pushy and let go before I could meet him. Things had to happen in a certain order so my life could work out as it has. I can't imagine changing any of those "bad" decisions because I know my life would be vastly different than it is today if I did.

This is only one small example, and I know I can tell you more if I wanted to. But, I'll save those stories for another day. I encourage all of you to think about your dreams. Think of those dreams that you've always had and told people about. Think about those dreams that you keep tucked inside your heart and haven't told anyone (we all have them). Know that your time IS coming. Wake up each morning thankful and expecting wonderful things to come your way. Be prepared for those moments where you know it couldn't just be coincidence, because those are the times you can be sure God is standing by and guiding you. The time is coming for ALL of us, and ALL our dreams.

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