When you have a group of different people getting together to learn and discuss something new, there's always at least one in the group that is resistant. This person is the one that will come up with any reason why something won't work or wouldn't apply to their situation. They often love to complain (different than venting) and are rarely interested in real solutions. They are extremely resistant to change and it is very difficult for them to be swayed to see differently. They are the ones that say things similar to: (cue high-pitched, whiny voice now....) "There's no way any of this would possibly work in MY classroom!" Or, "if only everyone could see my classroom, they'd never ask me to do this!" And, "what I've been doing is just fine, it's these kids that are the problem!" Sound familiar?? (
Today was no exception... There were a couple people that were resistant. They were saying, "What if the kids don't listen?"; "What if one child is slower than the other?"; "What is there's a fire drill?"; "What if it doesn't work exactly like the book?" OMG!!!! I thought I was going to explode! I wanted to shout, "ENOUGH!! God gave ya a brain, now use it!!" But, of course I bit my tongue and kept quiet. See, I feel bad for these what-iffers sometimes. They are SO afraid of change that they can't see 5 minutes ahead. They can't see that if they would just sit quiet and think, things aren't really as difficult as they seem! Isn't this the way it is with most situations involving change and/or conflict? I have found that sometimes the things we are most resistant towards often aren't nearly as bad as I first thought.
So, deep breath for me for now. I'll go bad and endure the what-iffers for another day, and then go on my happy way. Enjoy your night everyone!! Give your kiddos, hubby, dog/cat/hamster and hug!!
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