Monday, August 12, 2013

Dreams For My Daughter, Emily

I can remember the night Emily was born (along with the 24 hours of labor leading up to that).  I know that love at first sight is 100% possible because that's what happened when I first met Emily. But this post is not about how much I love her. It is about my dreams for her.  See, I've always written her a letter on her birthday, but I'd like to write her another letter here on my blog.  The expression "Time Flies" makes sense once you have kids.  Those baby days are gone before you know it.

Dear Emily,
You are an amazing little girl, and I'm beyond proud I'm your mommy.  You have a personality that uplifts so many people around you.  You love to laugh, giggle, joke, and make people happy. Never lose the optimism, baby. That optimism and the ability to laugh at anything will help you through all difficulties in life.

You are such a self-confident and dedicated little girl.  You are all about the rough and tumble life.  You love to dance, but it's got to be hip hop NOT ballet!  You know what?  That's fine- don't follow everyone and be yourself.  There's no better person for you to be.  I dream that you follow your heart and be true to yourself no matter what. You know exactly what you want, and what you DON'T. And, that's ok. In fact, I've seen many adults go through their lives having not a clue knowing what they like and what they're about.  These are the people that feel lost, and this will never be you.  You know exactly where you going, and I can't wait to see it happen for you, Love.

You have a special thirst for knowledge, learning, and seeing how things work.  You are ALWAYS asking questions about everything!  While I may get annoyed sometimes, I know that this is just who you are.  It's this curiosity that is going to take you far in your education.  Learn all you can, and I hope that you never stop learning.
I see so many wonderful things in you, and it makes me excited for your future. I know you will be doing great things with your life. And, I mean it when I say its your life. I will support you in every way with whatever you choose to do, but I do have some of my own dreams for you.

I dream that you make all kinds of friends throughout all your schooling.  Make friends that are good kids, with nice families and good values. Hold onto these friends, but make room for new ones as you grow.  I dream you choose a career that will make you happy and proud.  Make a difference in this world.  I dream that you find someone that makes you happy and an even better person. Now, you have a strong personallity (I know how that is), and you'll need to find someone that compliments you.  Find someone that loves you for who you are.  When the time comes, I dream one day you'll have at least 1 child so you can experience the feeling of love between mother and child- there's nothing else like it. I love you baby, and I want nothing but the best for you in life.  Always & Forever

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