Sunday, July 21, 2013


Good morning!!  I was amazed when I checked how many views my blog had this morning!!  I went from 35 to 181!!  So, let me thank you all for stopping by, reading, and (hopefully) enjoying yourself.
Ok, on to the point of today's post... Manifestation.  I've had this thought and idea "pop" up in m life in random ways throughout this month, so I thought maybe it deserves a little more examination.  Basically, manifestation is that belief that you get what you put out.  Your mind and speech are powerful entities- they can make so much happen.  I would assume that the common phrase "Fake it 'til you make it" (a personal favorite of mine) comes from.  If you "fake" that you're an outgoing/thin/funny/passionate/knowledgeable/professional person, then afer time you'll begin to make those qualitites happen for yourself.  I actually used to do that ALL the time when I was a beginning teacher.  When I felt like I didn't know a single thing, I would "fake" that I did and that I was confident and in complete control at all times.  Eventually, this absolutely came to be true about myself.

Unfortuntely, there's always a yang side- if you put out negative notions, those will happen for you as well.  Sadly, I think I've often put out way too many of those negative ideas- I'm just not lucky in love.  I have no idea what I'm doing.  I'm too fat.  I'm not a runner.  I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life.  I never meet the right guy....  I'm sure that I have said and/or thought each of these at one point in my life.  And, guess what?  They were TRUE for me at one point, as well.  But, this would be a chicken-egg situation (Which came first, the chicken or the egg?). Which came first, the manifestation or the qualities?  Hmmm... lots to ponder over.

My top manifestations would be: I am a perfectly calm person.  I am at my healthiest weight.  Those are the two things that I want the most in life right now.  So, I'm going to do a little experiment- I'm going to follow the steps in the picture above and see what happens.  I'm going to put these two ideas out there, believe that they already exist, be excited for them to happen, behave accordingly, and belive it will and wait for it to happen.  
How about you??  Will you do your own experiment with me?  What do you want the most, and would you be willing to let it happen?  Give it some true thought and go for it!!

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