Thursday, July 21, 2016

Work it!!

Confession time: Last month, I was amazing with the workouts.  I was working out daily, feeling great, even eating much better.  July?  Not so much....  In my defense, my heel spur on my left foot has really been flaring up, and I haven't been quite as active because the pain to follow is pretty killer.  So, I'll just go with that as my excuse.

Great news!  Yesterday, I got a blessing in the form of a cortisone shot in my heel!  The shots are painful as hell, but the relief to follow is completely worth it.  I nursed my foot yesterday because it was still tender, but this morning was game on!!

I did a double workout: Zumba and Pilates!

I'm always on the hunt for fun Zumba routines.  I rely on my Youtube, so if you have any instructors to suggest, I'd love to hear it.  Ana Jenkins was my workout today.  You can visit the workout yourself here.  It's a fun mix of dancing and plyometrics tossed in.  She had a fun one the other day that included some weight sets, too.

Then, I did a quick Pilates workout.  I follow this great girl on Blogilates (check out her blog here).  I haven't been doing Pilates for too long now.  However, in the short amount of time I've started, I feel a change in my body.  I feel longer, leaner, and stronger.  When I first began?  It was NOT pretty.  In fact, I've never felt to awkward and "whale-ish" in my life!!  I felt like I was rolling-polying all over my mat!  But... I felt better even after that very first session.  They aren't very long videos, which is good for beginners  :)  If you'd like to try a beginner session, this is a good one!  Watch out for the legs at the end!!  I never knew such small, concentrated moves could make your legs feel like they could fall off!!!

What are some of your favorite workouts?
If you haven't, give Pilates a try and let me know how it goes!!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Pokemon Go!

Good morning all!!

So, apparently there's this app called Pokemon Go??  Just kidding.  I haven't been living under a rock the last few days.  I've actually been playing it for the past week!

While on FB this week, I noticed a *TON* of memes, news stories, and jokes (and insults) about people playing the game.  Lots of words like "losers", "nerds", and generalizations that people playing are jobless, live on the government, with nothing better to do.  I was really surprised by the amount of animosity directed towards this app!  I mean, what's the big deal?  Why do people ate this game so much?  I really don't get it....

Like I said, the girls and I started playing this game this week.  Emily has been obsessed with Pokemon for a little while.  She knows all the things names, their points, what kind of Pokemon they are, etc.  (When she starts talking about it, my eyes kinda start to glaze over and I lost time...)  Then, I read all about this Pokemon Go game, how fun it was for people to walk around the neighborhood, and families were enjoying the time doing something together.

There are several reasons why I think Pokemon Go is a great idea:
1) My daughter is thrilled that the rest of her family has taken an interest in something she loves.  No, I don't really care about the details of the Pokemon, or any of that crap, but we'll just keep that between us.

2) We have increased our exercise daily.  We will set out around the neighborhood to check in a Pokestops and find wild Pokemon.  Yesterday, while the girls and Brian fell asleep, I went out for a nice hour-long walk.  And I may have even captured a few new Pokemon while out!

3) We are spending some fun time as a family, and having some laughs.  This week, the girls and I drove to a couple new parks, checked out a few new sights we haven't been to, and had a fun time doing it!  Brian even got in on the fun last night.  On our way home from the fest, we pointed quite a few people walking with their phones playing Pokemon Go.  So, on the way home, he kept shouting out the window to random people "Pokemon Go!!"  and "Go team red!!!"  The girls and I were dying and he had a big smile on his face!  It was a fun end to our evening.

I'm sure there are other benefits out there, but these are my big ones.

In finishing up- to all the people out there that call the people playing the game "losers" and "lame".  That's your judgement, and I'll keep happily playing along through the neighborhood, and spending time with my kids.  While you sit on your couch, on Facebook, passing your judgements on something you've most likely not even tried.

Until later...  Have a great one!

**P.S.** Of course, there is some level of common sense that should be in use while playing.  If the Pokestop involves going to a solemn memorial or grave?  Don't go there.  Be respectful.  If you are hunting a Pokemon?  Stop walking, take a look around you, and be aware of your surroundings.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Why I Apologize to My Kids

Good morning!!

I was just reading something on Facebook written by someone.  This article talked about how she *never* apologizes to her kids.  They need to see her as an authority, what she says goes, etc.  This really got me annoyed thinking.

I disagree with this line of thinking 100%.  Let me explain why...

I apologize to my kids every time I feel I need to- and let me be honest here, mommy sometimes loses her shit patience.  There are some days where I am able to pick my battles well.  I can step back, take a cool approach.  Other days?  Nope.  Not happening.  Maybe it's PMS, maybe it's that I stayed up too late watching Walking Dead and the girls decided to get up at an unGodly hour early, or whatever the reason might be. There are just days where I'm not the nicest to be around.  Any mom can tell you she has days like this.  And, for me, days like this will most likely come with an outburst from Mommy...  I'm not proud of it, it's not a pretty sight, but it's the truth.  I'm human, and I'm far from perfect- but you know what I DO have going for me??  I apologize for my behavior after it's done.

Basically, what it boils down to is this IMPORTANT life lesson: Everyone is human, and nobody's perfect.  We all make mistakes, says things we shouldn't, etc.  But, the key is that a true adult (or mature person) will APOLOGIZE and admit wrong doing when it applies.

To me, nothing is sadder than an adult that will never apologize.  I'm sure you all have at least 1 person that pops into your head automatically when I talk about this.  This is the person that will spout out whatever he/she wants, give their "honest" insult opinion, and are generally referred to others as someone "with no filter".  This is also the person that will walk around saying that they don't care what others think of them, they will say what they want, if they are proven wrong or even after they realize they hurt someone STILL won't apologize.  This is the type of person I have very little respect for, and the type of person I pray my daughters will never turn into.

I want my girls to understand that they need to think about what they say first.  They need to consider other's feelings and opinions.  However, if they get caught in a lie, are rude to someone, or it seems they've hurt someone (even if unintentionally), they NEED to apologize.  They need to show their humanity, by admitting their faults.

Let me just say, I have lied to people and gotten caught.  I've said things to people, that looking back didn't need to be said.  I often joke saying that pregnancy made me an expert at apologizing because you never knew what was going to come flying out of my mouth! I have had others blow up at me for something I didn't do.  In those cases, we've apologized, moved on, and became even BETTER PEOPLE because of it.

So, parents- if you have those imperfect days and what you do/say might warrant an apology to your kids?  Do it!  They will follow your example in the future, and you'll be creating wonderful children that will grow into responsible adults with healthy relationships.  

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Rest In Peace Anthony

When I first started working in schools, I started as a multi-needs assistant.  I learned SO much about myself, teaching, and life in general while being an aide.  I worked with some really amazing teachers, kids, and families.  I can't help but smile when I think about the laughs I had with the kids.  I remember singing endless Disney songs with one student, spinning and jumping to get the energy out with another, trying my hardest to help a student get over their mental block over the number 3 (he would ALWAYS forget it when counting!), hanging out in the bathroom having deep conversations while waiting for the kiddo to "go", and so much more.  These kids touched my life and my heart.

It was my last year as an assistant.  I was a kindergarten teacher in the morning, and an assistant in the afternoon. One year, I was helping as an assistant with a sweet boy named Anthony.  He was a cute kid.  He had dark brown hair, happy eyes, and the biggest smile you'd ever see!  He was born with Spina Bifida, and had a wheelchair.  He also had braces on his legs, and would switch between being in and out of his chair.  I remember him making me laugh because he'd always want to be mischievous (in a good-natured way).  If I said it was time for his chair, he'd quickly crawl away, giggling the whole time.  When I said it was time to work his legs, he'd grumble.  But, I had a secret weapon- John Cena!  Anthony loved wrestling and he loved John Cena.  I would use this to my advantage when I could.  :)  Anthony loved to talk about wrestling, being tough, and things that he liked to do for fun.  He was a happy kid, with an amazing outlook on things.

Anthony left to have a few surgeries, and I didn't see him for a while.... until one day I was at a family party with my in-laws, and who comes in???  Anthony!!  I was surprised, to say the least!  I asked why he was there, and I then found out he is the nephew of my brother & sister-in-law.  What a small world!  I didn't get to see him too often, a couple times a year at family parties, etc.  But, I have to say that I have really enjoyed seeing him get older, and no matter how old he got, he always had his same, bright smile!

The reason I'm reflecting on this today, is that today is Anthony's wake.  I can't imagine the heartache and loss that Anthony's parents must be feeling today, and my heart and prayers go out to them. I want them to know that this world was left a better place because of Anthony.  If there was anyone that could have been upset with "his lot in life", I could've been him.  Yet, he chose to show the world he could be positive, and I find that incredible.  One thing is for sure- John Cena is sure to win all his matches because he's got an extra angel watching over him now!  God Bless and keep you, Anthony!

**On a personal note, if you are willing and able, please consider donating to Anthony's family to cover the cost of his final expenses.  You can find the link to donate any amount here:

Friday, June 24, 2016

I'm baaaaaack!!!

I have been gone for a long time, but now I have the goal to be back again.  I have some ideas for new posts floating around in my brain, and I'm re-focusing myself.  
To say that "last school year was crazy" would be the understatement of all understatements.  I don't know how closely you follow the state of education, or are involved in your child/ren's school, but there is a lot of unsettling initiatives and battles happening in education.  So, yeah, it's been an insane year trying to keep up with it all.  And, quite frankly, I wasn't inspired to write anything.  I felt I was doing all I could as a mother of my girls, doing the best I could as a teacher to my class of kiddos, and trying to keep my head afloat to meet the demands of the teaching profession overall. With all that going on, my creativity and inspiration kind of took a back seat, and  so, here I am now... over a year later, posting again.  So!  Without further delay, I'd like to talk about something that happened the other day at the movies that is STILL sticking with me.
The other day, I took the girls to the movies to see Finding Dory. (It was great, by the way!)  At our theater, you pick your seats so it makes it hard to sneak your way into a theater and find seats (like we some people used to do as teenagers!)  However, it never fails that there is ALWAYS someone that tries to do it.  They sit somewhere, the true "renters" of the seats come, kick out the trespassers, then they go find somewhere else.  This exact scenario happened the other day.  I'm assuming the man was the little girl's dad, and I'm assuming that he didn't have the money to take his girl to the movie.  (Yes, I'm making assumptions here, but I like to think I'm pretty good at reading people and guessing at their back-story.)
Anyway, they were caught, yelled at by some guy, and they relocated to 2 different seats.  These happened to be the seats that I knew for a fact my friends had, but they just weren't there yet.  I stood up, and made my way over to let him know those seats were taken and that he needs to go buy tickets to get the seats.  Before I got to him, another woman had walked over and was talking to him.  I only caught snippets of their conversation: "You need to purchase tickets in this theater."..... "I lost our tickets."....."I have 2 seats... people aren't coming, so they're open... I'll show you where."..... This absolutely floored me.  I had been prepared to tell this guy essentially to get lost, yet this woman offered her seats to him.  Why would she do that??  This honestly stuck with me over the last couple days, and I thought about it all through the movie.  That woman did it for the little girl.  She guessed her dad had problems, yet imagine that little girl if she had to get kicked out of the movie.  How heartbroken.... How tragic of an event this day could have been for her....  This woman's simple act of kindness was amazing to me.  She didn't do it for any reason other than to show thought for that little girl.  It was this simple act that finally inspired me again.   Amen to this.  This woman's act of kindness may go forgotten by that man.  It might be forgotten by the little girl.  However, the alternative, if she hadn't intervened?  That could have had incredible effects to them.  

You know how I am always spouting that there are signs everyone?  I believe this could be another.  A reminder to choose kindness at all times.  Thank God this lady got to the man before I did.  And, thank God I witnessed such an act of kindness.

Until next time... take care, and choose kindness!!