Thursday, February 26, 2015

Little Moments Make It Worthwhile

I'm going to make a confession... sometimes I don't like my job.  I can get annoyed by the paperwork.  I am irritated by the constant meetings.  I hate when the copier is down when I need just ONE MORE copy.  I'm saddened by the homelife of my students.  And, I hate coming home late on Thursdays after my girls have gone to bed.

Do you notice one thing that I didn't mention?  Yes, the kids.  As frustrating as they can be at times, I wouldn't trade them for the world.  They make my annoyances disappear every time they give me a hand-drawn picture with "Mrs. Brumbaugh" drawn inside a heart.  They melt away my stress by telling me how excited they are to learn today.  They smooth my rough days with the hug they give me on a Friday as they say "I'll miss you".  These kids truly make me feel like my life has a meaning, a purpose.  I love them dearly and would care for them like I would my own.

Today, I had two remarkable things happen.  These occurances made me stop and think "THIS is why I do what I do every day."  Let me set the scene:  We have been working on double-digit subtraction with regrouping for well over a week and a half.  There are still just a handful of kiddos that just do-not-get-it.  No matter what rhymes, videos, songs, manipulatives, tricks, or practice we have done.  I was sitting with one very sweet girl today.  Her and I were huddled together working on a page, going step by step.  She just could NOT get the whole regrouping thing... I could tell she was getting frustrated, so I turned the paper over and approached it differently.  Then, I saw it... a small smile.  I saw her eyes widden, and BAM! There it was!! A lightbulb moment!!  I can't describe what a true moment like that feels like.  It is amazing to see the brighter smile and twinkling eyes of a child when learning finally clicks in them.  It just fills your heart with an undescribable sense of pride and wonder.  I wish that all grown ups could feel this way at least once.

Then, around 6pm tonight, I was grading math facts tests.  I noticed that one little girl that started the year off being able to do about 12 problems in 3 minutes could now do 46!!  I was blown away!!  I pulled out my phone and quickly texted her mother and let her know the great news.  This was her response:  "That's very good to know.  I'm pleased with how hard you have been working with her. You're an extraordinary teacher. Thank you so much."  Can I just tell you how this brought tears to my eyes- instantly.  I do what I do because I love it.  I don't ask for thanks or accolades, but I have to say that sometimes it just feels nice to know you are appreciated.  I can't thank this mother enough for the gift her words had given me.

So, that's it.  Time to head home, and start early tomorrow.  Enjoy your night!!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Challenge Accepted

So, it's no secret that I've always been battling my weight and constantly trying to be healthier.  Recently, I was poking around online, and I came across this little pic:
Hmmm..... interesting idea.  

I have been on Weight Watchers before in the past.  My last stint began after having Megan and lasted exactly 1 year and 1 month.  When I joined I promised myself I would give it at least 1 year. I did exactly that, and I lost 20 lbs that time around.  Then, I decided to go it on my own.  It didn't take me too long to gain some of that back.  Most recently, I have lost 13 lbs over the summer.  The other day I weighed myself, and was immensely annoyed that I'd gain back 5 of the pounds.  Needless to say, I was NOT too happy, and I was looking for some inspiration to get recommitted.  I think coming across this ad was just what I needed.

I thought about it just a couple minutes before I decided Friday morning to go for it.  Why not?  What do I have to lose, right? (Except for quite a bit of weight.)

For some people, they don't like the restrictions of having to figure out point values and keep track of their points.  This is actually one part of the program that I really like!  I feel more structured and in control of things.  There's nothing I "can't" eat; just different foods that I have to decide if they're worth spending 9 points on for just a taste.

So far, Friday went well.  I was at meetings all day, so not too many temptations there.  Then on Saturday, I had a wedding tasting and a bowling fundraiser (with appetizers and drinks) to attend.  I didn't do bad at either one.  I logged everything I had to eat and drink.  It was really hard to force myself to be honest and even though I went over my total for the day, I was proud of myself that I actually logged honestly.  (In the past, I cheated by convincing myself that if I didn't log it, it didn't happen...) Today, I feel more in control that before.  I did my shopping, made lots of good food choices for the week, and prepped my lunches for the week.  I have strawberries cut and ready to go, green beans steamed and cooked, salads chopped and divided, eggs hard boiled and set aside, and a pot of chicken soup cooking.  The plan is to gain as much momentum in the beginning as possible.  

Have a great week everyone!!